In English language there are vowels and consonants. Likewise, in Bengali also there are vowels and consonants. The difference is that in Bengali all the vowels appear in the beginning and the consonants form another group. The standard Bengali alphabet has 13 vowels and 28 consonants, including 6 nasalied vowels.

Let's start with vowels.

Bengali Vowels

In Bengali, they are also called `Sworoborno (স্বরবর্ণ)`. Bengali alphabet has eight vowels, a semi vowel and two diphthongs. All of these are used in both Bengali and Assamese languages.

Independent Vowels:


Dependent Vowels:


Bengali Consonants

In Bengali, they are called `Banjonborna (ব্যঞ্জনবর্ণ)`. Like most of other language, Bengali consonants too cannot be pronounced without help of vowel.


Bengali Numerals

Bengali numerals are the symbols used to write numbers in the Bengali script. They are used to write decimal numbers, instead of the latin numbers.


Bengali at a glance

Bengali (বাংলা, baŋla), is an Indo-Aryan language spoken mainly in Bengal region of Indian subcontinent. It is spoken by over 228 million native speakers and another 27 million as second language. Bangla is the official language in Bangladesh and Bengal region of India. It is written in the Bengali-Assamese script. Below is the quick summary:

Pronunciation: [`baŋla]
Native Name: Bangla (বাংলা)
Number of Speakers: 228 million
Language family: Indo-European
Writing System: Bengali-Assamese
Spoken in: Bangladesh, India (West Bengal, Assam, Tripura, Jharkhand)
Status: Official language of Bangladesh
Two digit language code: bn

A Complete Bengali Alphabet Chart

Below is a list of complete Bengali Bornomala Chart

Independent Vowels:


Dependent Vowels:


Two Part Dependent Vowel Signs:




Additional Bengali Consonants:


Bengali Digits:


Additional letter used for Assamese:


Additional vowels for Sanskrit:


Currency Symbols

Special Characters and Signs:


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Bangla alphabet chart with Bangla Vowels, Consonants & Numerals
Hindi alphabet chart with Hindi Vowels, Hindi Consonants & Hindi Numerals
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U. S Dollar 1 Dollar ($) 121.4678 Taka
UK Pound 1 Pound (£) 150.6801 Taka
Euro 1 Euro 125.6065 Taka
Saudi Riyal 1 S. Riyal 32.388 Taka
Bahrain Dinar 1 Dinar 322.2478 Taka
Qatari Riyal 1 Q. Riyal 33.3257 Taka