Very Simple Hindi TENSE Chart Table
(भविष्यत काल)
Indefinite ता है, ती है, ते हैं
Do / Does
ता था, ती थे, ते थे
Did (Not Action Verbs)
गा, गी, गे
Shall / Will
Continuous रहा है, रही है, रहे हैं
Is / Am / Are + V4
रहा था, रही थी, रहे थे
Was / Were + V4
रहा होगा, रही होगी, रहे होंगे
Shall be / Will be + V4
Perfect चुका है, चुकी है, चुके हैं
Has / Have + V3
चुका था, चुकी थी, चुके थे
Had + V3
चुका होगा, चुकी होगी, चुके होंगे
Shall have / Will have + V3
Perfect Continuous रहा, रही, रहे + हैं
Has/Have + been + V4
रहा, रही, रहे + था
Had been + V4
रहा, रही, रहे + होगा
Will / Shall Have Been + V4

Present Indefinite Tense in Hindi (सामान्य वर्तमान काल)

Do / Does (ता है, ती है, ते हैं)

It can be defined as an action that is done in the present however there is no definite time limit for it to be accomplished. For example:

  • पापा रोज ऑफिस जाते हैं।
    (Paapa roj ophis jaate hain.)
    Dad Goes to office every day
  • कृतिशा रोज एक सेब खाती हैं।
    (Krtisha roj ek seb khaatee hain.)
    Kritisha eats an apple every day.

When To Use Present Indefinite Tense?

  1. To describe a universal truth:

    For e.g.
    सूरज पूरब में उगता है।
    (Sooraj poorab mein ugata hai.)
    The sun rises in the east.
    पृथ्वी सूर्य के चारों ओर घूमती है।
    (Prthvee soory ke chaaron or ghoomatee hai.)
    The earth revolves around the sun.
  2. For describing an action happening in the present.

    For e.g.
    समीरा गाना गाती है।
    (Sameera gaana gaatee hai.)
    Samira sings a song.
    लड़के फुटबॉल मैच खेलते हैं।
    (Ladake phutabol maich khelate hain.)
    Boys play a football match.
  3. For activities of habitual nature.

    For e.g.
    सुनील हमेशा सच बोलता है।
    (Suneel hamesha sach bolata hai.)
    Sunil always speaks the truth.
    मैं कभी झूठ नहीं बोलता।
    (main kabhee jhooth nahin bolata.)
    I never tell a lie.
  4. For events scheduled in the near future.

    For e.g.
    मेरा स्कूल अगले हफ्ते खुलता है।
    (Mera skool agale haphte khulata hai.)
    My school opens next week.

Present Continuous Tense in Hindi (अपूर्ण / सातत्य वर्तमान काल)

Is / Am / Are + V4 (रहा है, रही है, रहे हैं)

The present continuous tense indicates that an action is happening now and may continue into the future. This tense helps readers understand when the action is happening. For example

  • वे आज समोसा रेस्टोरेंट में खा रहे हैं.
    (ve aaj samosa restorent mein kha rahe hain.)
    They are eating at samosa restaurant today.
  • शीला अपना खाना गर्म कर रही है।
    (sheela apana khaana garm kar rahee hai.)
    Sheela is warming up her food.

When To Use Present Continuous Tense?

  1. Things that are happening at the moment of speaking:

    For e.g.
    मैं इस समय काम कर रहा हूं।
    (main is samay kaam kar raha hoon.)
    I`m working at the moment.
    पिंकू सो रही है।
    (pinkoo so rahee hai.)
    Pinku is sleeping.
  2. For describing temporary or new habits:

    For e.g.
    वह इन दिनों खूब खा रहे हैं।
    (vah in dinon khoob kha rahe hain.)
    He is eating a lot these days.
    आप बहुत ज्यादा पी रहे हैं।
    (aap bahut jyaada pee rahe hain.)
    You are drinking too much.
  3. Describing habits that are not regular, but that happens very often:

    For e.g.
    आप हमेशा के लिए अपनी चाबी खो रहे हैं!
    (aap hamesha ke lie apanee chaabee kho rahe hain!)
    You are forever losing your keys!
    हमेशा मुस्कुराता रहता है मोहित!
    (hamesha muskuraata rahata hai mohit!)
    Mohit is always smiling!
  4. Also use is for definite future arrangements:

    For e.g.
    मैं कल अपने भाई से मिल रहा हूँ।
    (main kal apane bhaee se mil raha hoon.)
    I`m meeting my brother tomorrow.
    मैं दो बजे जा रहा हूँ
    (main do baje ja raha hoon)
    I`m leaving at two.

Present Perfect Tense in Hindi (पूर्ण वर्तमान काल)

Has / Have + V3 (चुका है, चुकी है, चुके हैं)

The present perfect tense refers to an action that either occurred at an unspecified time in the past or began in the past and continued to the present time. For example:

  • मैं पहले भी इस रास्ते पर चल चुका हूं।
    (main pahale bhee is raaste par chal chuka hoon.)
    I have walked on this route before.
  • उसे सोमवार से बुखार है।
    (use somavaar se bukhaar hai.)
    She has had the fever since Monday.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi (सातत्य पूर्ण वर्तमान काल)

Has/Have + been + V4 (रहा, रही, रहे + हैं)

It can be defined as an action that has started in the past and is continuing at the present time. For example:

  • मैं पिछले एक हफ्ते से `द बॉलीवुड ब्राइड` उपन्यास पढ़ रहा हूं।
    (main pichhale ek haphte se da boleevud braid upanyaas padh raha hoon.)
    I have been reading `The Bollywood Bride` novel for a week now.
  • मैं हाल ही में अच्छा महसूस नहीं कर रहा हूं।
    (main haal hee mein achchha mahasoos nahin kar raha hoon.)
    I haven’t been feeling well lately.

Past Indefinite Tense in Hindi (सामान्य भूतकाल)

Did (ता था, ती थे, ते थे)

The past indefinite tense, also known as simple past tense, is used to indicate completed action that happened in the past. For example:

  • उसने रजत पदक जीता।
    (usane rajat padak jeeta.)
    She won the silver medal.
  • ज्योति पिछले साल पेरिस गई थीं।
    (jyoti pichhale saal peris gaee theen.)
    Jyoti went to Paris last year.

Past Continuous Tense in Hindi (अपूर्ण / सातत्य भूतकाल)

Was / Were + V4 (रहा था, रही थी, रहे थे)

The past continuous tense, also known as past progressive tense, refers to a continuing action that was happening at some point in the past. For example:

  • पिछली गर्मियों में हर दिन सूरज चमक रहा था।
    (pichhalee garmiyon mein har din sooraj chamak raha tha.)
    The sun was shining every day last summer.
  • मैं कल सुबह 6.30 बजे सो रहा था।
    (main kal subah 6.30 baje so raha tha.)
    I was sleeping yesterday at 6.30 AM.

Past Perfect Tense in Hindi (पूर्ण भूतकाल)

Had + V3 (चुका था, चुकी थी, चुके थे)

The past perfect tense is used to talk about actions that were completed / occurred before another action in the past. For example:

  • शिक्षक के पूछने से पहले आकाश ने टास्क पूरा कर लिया था।
    (shikshak ke poochhane se pahale aakaash ne taask poora kar liya tha.)
    Aakash had completed the task before the teacher asked.
  • मैं ऑफिस पहुंचा तो कैलाश बाहर गया हुआ था।
    (main ophis pahuncha to kailaash baahar gaya hua tha.)
    Kailash had gone out when I arrived in the office.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi (सातत्य पुर्ण भुतकाल)

Had been + V4 (रहा, रही, रहे + था)

The past perfect continuous tense, also know as past perfect progressive tense, is used to describe an action which continued for a specific period of a time but stopped before another action. For example:

  • सचिन संन्यास लेने से पहले 24 साल से भारत के लिए क्रिकेट खेल रहे थे।
    (sachin sannyaas lene se pahale 24 saal se bhaarat ke lie kriket khel rahe the.)
    Sachin had been playing cricket for 24 years for India before he retired.
  • विराट लंदन जाने से पहले 2010 से दिल्ली में रह रहे थे।
    (viraat landan jaane se pahale 2010 se dillee mein rah rahe the.)
    Virat had been living in Delhi since 2010 before he moved to London.

Future Indefinite Tense in Hindi (सामान्य भविष्यत काल)

Shall / Will (गा, गी, गे)

The future indefinite tense, also known as simple future, is used to talk about things that haven`t happened yet. For example:

  • सर्दी फिर आएगी।
    (sardee phir aaegee.)
    Winter will come again.
  • क्या वह सोमवार को भोजन करेगा?
    (kya vah somavaar ko bhojan karega?)
    Will he make a dinner on Monday?

Future Continuous Tense in Hindi (अपूर्ण / सातत्य भविष्यत काल)

Shall be / Will be + V4 (रहा होगा, रही होगी, रहे होंगे)

The future continuous tense, sometimes also referred to as the future progressive tense, is used to indicate those action that will occur in the future and continue for an expected length of time. For example:

  • कृतिशा अगले शनिवार को फुटबॉल खेलेंगी।
    (krtisha agale shanivaar ko phutabol khelengee.)
    Kritisha will be playing a football next Saturday.
  • मैं इस रविवार को फुटबॉल देखूंगा।
    (main is ravivaar ko phutabol dekhoonga.)
    I will be watching football this Sunday.

Future Perfect Tense in Hindi (पूर्ण भविष्यत काल)

Shall have / Will have + V3 (चुका होगा, चुकी होगी, चुके होंगे)

The future perfect tense is used to indicate actions that will be completed before some other point in the future. For example:

  • जब मैं तुम्हें उठाऊंगा तो क्या तुम अपना दोपहर का भोजन समाप्त कर चुके होगे?
    (jab main tumhen uthaoonga to kya tum apana dopahar ka bhojan samaapt kar chuke hoge?)
    Will you have finished your lunch when I pick you up?
  • मैं जुलाई को यहां सात महीने के लिए रहूंगा।
    (main julaee ko yahaan saat maheene ke lie rahoonga.)
    I will have been here for seven months on July.

Future Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi (सातत्य पुर्ण भविष्यत काल)

Will / Shall Have Been + V4 (रहा, रही, रहे + होगा)

The future perfect continuous, also sometimes called the future perfect progressive, tense describes actions that will continue up until a point in the future. For example:

  • 2022 तक मैं 22 साल से लंदन में रह रहा होगा।
    (2022 tak main 22 saal se landan mein rah raha hoga.)
    By 2022 I will have been living in London for 22 years.
  • छह बजे मैं एक घंटे से इंतजार कर रहा होगा।
    (chhah baje main ek ghante se intajaar kar raha hoga.)
    At six o`clock, I will have been waiting for one hour.
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